Ministry of Environment and Water

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Issue a decision on the assessment of environmental impact

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Part I Identification of the sponsor of the investment proposal

Part II Nature of demand

Attach file - scanned copy of the original request for an EIA, in a form approved by the Minister of Environment and Water

Sample of notification

Indicate the registration number of the letter identifying the necessary actions for an EIA or the decision to assess the need for EIA.

Part III Attached documents

  1. EIA report;
  2. Executive Summary;
  3. Terms of reference for the EIA;
  4. Partition Protocol (list of experts and the leader of the team who developed the report) made with handmade signatures;
  5. Written declaration of experts, personally signed that: 1. meet the requirements of Article 83, paragraph 2 of the EPA for tertiary education degree "Master"; 2. are not personally interested in the realization of the investment proposal, plan or program; 3. know the requirements of the Bulgarian and European legislation on the environment and work on assessments of art. 81, para. 1 of the EPA reference and comply with these requirements and applicable methodological documents;
  6. Evaluation of art. 99a para. 1 EPA in cases under Art. 118, para. 2 EPA for each installation covered in Annex № 4 to the EPA -;
  7. Evaluation report on the degree of impact (report OS) when requested to do so;
  8. Document for paid fee;
Description File

Part IV Form of decision

Note if you want the decision to be issued in electronic form

Details of the person submitting the application

Contact details

form shadow Save Application As File

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